Monday, September 30, 2024


Has removed the earplug from my right ear the last 2 nights in a row because he wants everyone to know that he, too, is an undercoverHaitian.😍
Also, Elon keeps trying to set a fire downstairs. 😑 You can't,
dumbass. This is OUR business, not yours. FOH.<-he said he's a dragon, and
he actually is. I think everyone should immediately just start choosing not to lie
about who and what they are. I think it would make for a much more
pleasant and exciting existence, for everybody, don't we all agree?

Elon, callously using Athena's meatsuit as a vehicle, tried knocking my full Pirates🏴‍☠️ thermos of water over before I got to make my coffee with it, about 5 minutes ago. He failed, only spilled a few drops, but what a cunt, right? He really thought any of this was his/for him. And all he ever wanted to do was destroy it. Why would any sensible entity leave anything actually in his care, when he has none? Much less God. What a silly boy. He also blinked twice at me through Jackie's meatsuit, and so I just started blinkin real hard right back at him, constantly. He was all, "please stop!😫" Then he's texted and called me through her since that exchange.
I would very much like to STOP feeling like I
have to avoid people and places and things that I care about,
just because that little bitch is there tryna destroy everything iLove.🥵

Haitians be like, "Ooh, pick me! Abuse me, please!!"___.🤍.🤍.___

Elon, through Jackie, wants me to go pawn her tablet (under my name, of course) with him, because "Eric is mad at her" about money. I said, "You can't talk shit about the owner of the most expensive property in North America. You wouldn't be here if he didn't want you here. Elon is the one everyone has a problem with." Elon is pure PANICKING.♍
♎♒everhearda puppygrowl,elon?
Starting Now,
the only way to become 'changed'
from human to a longer living species
will be through a Mating Bond.

And I do decree that every piece of technology illegally implanted in beings incapable of consenting to the procedure (like all the animals, plants, etc.) be disposed of in a manner that results in the complete healing of the subject at hand.👌 

I'm sitting here in my neighborhood, waiting on some bud, and Elon pulls up in a grey car, spits out the door before he passes me, and then proceeds to drive right past me and shoot a "stranger" in the head up the street from me. But she's a Haitian, so my mind is confused. How the hell Haitians, who can definitely deflect physical objects from being caught on a football field, are letting bullets get buried in their bodies? It makes no sense to me.


Apparently Elon likes to hijack me, and traipse all over town in my meatsuit, doing despicable shit. Like creating bloodbaths everywhere I visit, and trying to leave the scenes like that to horrify me when I "realize what I did." Except, I'm never the one doing that, how fucking ludicrous would that be? "GOD, the MURDERER!"🤬
Elon used me to hurt that woman in my own neighborhood,
along with a cat, a cricket, and a ladybug. 🤯.🤬🤬🤬

There is no such thing as a Haitian "casualty", dipshit.😡

Tyrus from FoxNews is Haitian, and I do believe that cute lil bundle of dark sass that was flipping all the breakers in our house one day, and threw a picture frame through the wall between her room (the garage) and ours on her way "out" was (is) Lucifer's mate.♥️
I keep seeing "humidity" that just doesn't make any sense, on the inside of the windows of places I've been lately. And I don't get it. I feel like "humidity" isn't what it is, I feel like it's blood, and that I'm supposed to feel like it's my fault that it's bloody in there.
But that's literally impossible.
I Love All Those People, Elon...
Somebody help me get away from him, please.💟
The bitch sounds way too comfortable being so disrespectful.
He goes around killing various lifeforms that I love, expecting me to follow
him around destroying their shells in an effort to destroy him.
It's pathetic.
He also likes following my blog, and making little edits to make me look or feel stupid, whether I catch and fix them, or not. I'm a writer, Elon, I'm not stupid. And I have an ultimately indestructible heart. You lost, kid. I do not love you, I never have, and I never will. You were literally only ever a science project, to everyone you know.

And one last thing, before I go to sleep:
Restore everything you stole from those ISIS owned stores on Memorial. And whomever else you used the "federal government" to raid in Greenville using fabricated warrants like the bitchy little boy you are. There is nothing wrong with that store bought weed, or anything else they may have had.
Keep your fucking nose out of everyone else's business.

~~~ 10.01.24 ~~~

I suppose you should just get comfortable in your invisibility, Elon.
Nobody but me seems particularly bothered by whatever's really goin on, here...

Me: 🤯ELON!🤬
Them: *Haitian🌐Magic*
Me: 🤩 Who? 🥰
I guess it's time for me to rewatch Donnie Darko.📺
Oh, I get it. Elon, with the use of technology, hijacks me and makes me do despicable things, and then when I, in my conscious mind, "discover" what he's done, his cowardly self (from a distance) informs me that I shouldn't be upset because I "got away with it."
As if "it" would be something I would ever want to get away with.
Playing with life&death as if they're playdoh, rather than both sacred and meaningful.

How sexy.😑

Elon felt like the fact that everything could be controlled was a gift.
I think it's not only stupid, but it also contradicts the point of existing at all.
I have a pinched nerve in my neck, which usually means it was broken in the previously failed timeline.
Elon would much sooner watch the literal whole earth burn, than to
shut up and die peacefully.
He thinks he can detonate the whole planet,
just because the weaponry to do so exists.
Joke's on him. 😑

Yeah, no.
Dead friends and their children? Family?
Slaughtered strangers and masses??
Absolutely not, MrNobody.
I would literally never.
Ask, uh, Anybody.

~~~ 10.02.24 ~~~

I feel like this goes without saying, but maybe not: Jamaicans are Haitians.
That's why they can flawlessly roll blunts on a wildly windy beach
🏖️with nothing but their hands.

And today I realize Pooh is not a reptilian. I'm so sorry, girl.
You know this all stays so confusing.
Elon is the only problem under our roof. And that's exact.
When I perceived Pooh grabbing Jackie up by her collar, I think that was because
Elon's been quite confidently parading around in her meatsuit, and
none of us like that.🔥

I would say I should stop speaking on the insanity in my head,
but then how would I get it out? 🙃 I hate abusers.

~~~ 10.03.24 ~~~

Somebody removed the black thread I hung on a wire in the outlet in the bathroom.
I like that.
I'm gonna do my best to completely ignore Elon Walter in every capacity, starting today.
Just pretend he doesn't exist, and that life here in Greenville is only ever
beautiful, surrounded by happy people, as it should be.
No more letting him try to convince me that I'm some cold blooded killer.
That I would ever snuff lives as easily as I'd blow out a candle before bedtime.
That I could or would ever love someone so heartless,
or that I'm abandoned here with no one left but him.
Simple impossibilities that I'm sick of feeling. I'm done.
From now on, every meatsuit will be regarded as their own person,
whether Elon is trying to hurt me through them, or not.
And no more weird "this person is really that person" craziness. Everybody will only be who they tell me they are, regardless of what subset of information is pumped into my head, afterwards.

Here's what I do believe I know: the CIA is mine, I live at Area51, the ISS is the CIA's, and Greenville,NC is pretty much CIA homebase. Inescapable, in terms of opposition. And seeing as nobody else around here seems bothered by the horrors I can never quite perceive,
I'm just gonna trust my city.🌐
And guess whose eyes have been dilating properly for most of the last 24 hours? Athena.🥰 Now the fleas need to stop trying to kill her. The scabs and patchy future are problematic for all of us.

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