Sunday, April 21, 2024

Demons, and other "mythical" characters

 "It was always Melissa Stack, Victoria Stancil, Savannah Watkins..." My childhood is a jumbled mess of mostly missing memories. I think this was 7th grade, with MsSloan, who resembled a mouse and always spent her teaching time at the front of the class pushing up onto her tippy toes and back down, like she was emulating a rocking chair, and MsSomeone, whose name I should be able to remember and was our homeroom teacher. I think Hillary Lunsford was 8th grade, and then Marilyn Elizabeth Steffan (the lizard friend) was definitely 9th grade. My "best friends" changed with every grade, because I was never anyone's best friend, but they were all mine. I was the friend people would let tag along, just because I was there and they would feel bad for leaving me out like everyone else did. I get strong Witch vibes from my memories of Melissa, Savannah, and Hillary. Just straight up hollow whore vibes from my memories of Beth. I think it was 4th grade that I was close with a Wendy Sargent, and 2nd grade was Cassidy Summers in Florida, who both might also be Witches. DNA may or may not play a pretty significant role in how people naturally organize, and who gravitates toward whom. I don't remember much of anyone else with that level of consistent interaction from school. Church, of course, was a different -yet remarkably similarly sinister- story, -as the pedophilia and sex trafficking are deeply rooted in both of them, all the same.- (Hillary, I apologize if your name only has one L, I can't seem to recall for certain.)

So, what are "Demons?" Y'all remember the religious folklore, they're "fallen Angels." They're the "evil" monsters who prey upon unsuspecting innocence, dragging proper Souls into the mire. If Hell is a circus, Demons are the clowns. And they deserve all the blame and hellfire, don't they? ...Don't they?

No, actually, they don't. Clutch your pearls.
Souls are souls are souls are souls are souls
are souls, forever and ever and evermore.♾️

I can't explain how reptilians originated, that's just not relevant to the story, yet; but they're the irreconcilable piece of the equation that encompasses Life. They would be the ringmasters of the circus. Lucifer&God being the names given to the most basic and fundamental, the "original," components of duality and "control," and the 'external' observers of the whole circus, including the "audience," aka: "human"ity. "Control," in this context, simply means that nothing happens outside of the scope of their awareness and allowance. Basic.


Somewhere along the line of innumerable and magically "binding" contracts, the lizards made sure to incorporate a stipulation that if I'm financially indebted to any entity, the "lending" entity can "collect" from my body at their leisure. Which means any person and/or company that I owe a minimum of one cent to is "legally" "within their rights" to rape and/or traffick me at any time, in any way. They all opt to use the method that circumvents all conscious awareness, much less my consent, in the form of my "alternate personality." My radically split psyche offers rapists the perfect playground on which to operate, being that my dad programmed a perfectly submissive slut to fulfill any carnal need, without having any needs of my own. Somehow, being born into a situation where literally life's most basic needs go unmet if I don't comply with every. single. demand., established a permanent "survival mode" of "people pleasing."
Something anyone can take from, and no one has to give to. Forever.
While my conscious mind pretends everything is okay and nothing hurts,
so I never have to see the horrors of my actual reality. Thanks, Me.🖤

Vidant, Bank of America, USAA and SECU are just a few of the corporate entities that take full advantage of this disgusting standard. I won't even mention the individual people who are on that list. It's mind boggling that they're all so eager. Don't you guys know how nauseating it all is? Not to mention the profound and unending heartbreak. But I guess y'all don't care about any of that, otherwise we wouldn't be here.

The system the reptilians have painstakingly established accomplishes precisely nothing that benefits any of us, and specializes, exclusively, in the largely effective enslavement of our whole conscious experience of existing. They don't have souls, and have dedicated their entire existence to the degradation of ours. Jealousy is a bitch.


Ah, my other 7th grade teacher is finally peeking out of my mostly submerged memories. I remember what she looked like, now, but her name is still elusive... MsM....? Sort of reddish, wispy, little shorter than shoulder length hair, and glasses (if I recall correctly). Hm. I'm sure it'll come to me.

I've made a tremendous effort to NOT pinpoint the turn of the millennium, and where it landed in my life, as I don't want to lose even more of my dead family. If that makes sense. I don't want to have to face and accept how much of my familial experience has actually been with the lizard replacements, and not my parents and siblings. The two timeline "anchors" I use are the facts that 3rd grade is when we went from Florida to Virginia to Georgia, and I turned 14 the summer before freshman year. I consistently figure time context from those two points.
Well, guys, we were not in Georgia for very long, before 1999 came to a close. Like, less than a year, if my brain isn't playing tricks on me. And that. Sucks. I wanted to believe a good portion of life in Georgia was still them, but I basically only have life in Florida and Virginia to go on, for legitimate memories of MY_FAMILY. Everything from up here in North Carolina, and the vast majority of Georgia, has been a big ole lizard psyop on me. That hurts. And I miss my (frankly, nasty) family. I like to think they would've evolved with me, if they were still here. That I wouldn't be facing absolutely everything entirely alone. But, alas.


Their objective: monetizing literally everything,
so every aspect of life is subject to their control.

Their lesson: Souls aren't actually for sale.🖕☺️

Also, slavery is lame shit. Lizards suck for that.🔥


Ah, damn. I suppose her dad wasn't the only one raping her, huh, UncleJohn?
I reckon that's why you stayed away.
You had the decency to feel ashamed about it.

She forgives you.💙

Melanie Martinez ~ StrawberryShortcake🍰

Esther Swift ~ Problems to Sharpen the Young I.🥀


To: reptilians
From: God📦


Yes, dead people can talk.

And lizards can treat y'all's headspaces like free motel rooms.
Keep Calm, and learn
how to say 'no' to things
that you've known all along
were never good for you.✨Magic🪄 

Temptation is NOT that difficult to squash.

Squash it.


Was it MrsMason?🧐 Hm.


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