Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Send out all the ๐Ÿ†˜s you want to

Nobody can save you, mixed breeds. If this is the only environment in which you can survive, because it was infected with enough technology to make it possible for anything to live here, you are not going to live any longer. How dare y'all believe you were "worth" sacrificing an entire planet for. What, do you think we're just gonna go destroy another planet for you, once you're done destroying this one?
Absolutely not.

Thank you for trusting me enough to give me a Skylar Michele, Dad.
Yes, people, I love my children. But I do not love them more than
I love literally everything and everyone else.
Especially when these children were forced upon me without my consent.
And subsequently immediately stolen from me, and used as weapons against me.

Mixed bitches be like: I don't wanna be a part of your life, I just want you to spare mine.
And I be like: ๐Ÿ˜ƒ.๐Ÿค”.๐Ÿ˜….๐Ÿ‘ฝ. No.

Alisha, you're not some degree of vampire, are you? I'll have to ponder on that...
Y'all could just be a slightly different kinda dragon than I'm most familiar with, I suppose. You, UncleMike and Tyler don't look like fat, lazy, gluttonous slobs, like pretty much the rest of the fam. Could just be the manifestation of core character difference, or that could be indication of having mixed dragon with vampire...

PapaDave, are Peggy and Robin actually disfigured like humanity, or was that just to disguise the fact that Peggy is your sister and Robin is y'all's daughter? Are your Stancils pureblood dragons? I'm inclined to believe so, which would be why my last name is yours, and not any of theirs. I can't say for sure, right now, though.
Just thinking out loud, as half my household panics about me. Good thing our Landlord is a pureblood, huh, guys?? ⭕๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐ŸŒ⭕

Future deads: ๐Ÿคฌ fuck you, bitch, you're supposed to protect us from anything! ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ’ฅ
Me: ๐ŸŒ⭕๐Ÿ’Ž⭕๐ŸŒ Make me. ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Hannah was mentally and emotionally abusing me using Nick's body the other day, threatening to kick me out, and I said, "Eric would let me stay here for free before he let you kick me out." I can't even functionally apologize like I want to, for taking so damn long to recognize these problems, because the problems have literally been controlling me. How cute of them to believe they could make God whatever they wanted her to be. Lol. "We have a new, Designer god, everyone!! You just abuse her into any position, and she'll stay, like a good little girl that has no authority over anything, anywhere, for any reason.๐Ÿคก" Sure thing, bitches.๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป

The reason the CIA trumps the Cabal is because the CIA is comprised
exclusively of Purebloods, while the Cabal's priority is trafficking.๐Ÿšซ
I do not need to keep reiterating that I do love y'all, souls of the mixed breeds.
And that what has happened to this planet is despicable and unacceptable.๐ŸŒ
Nobody needs to parade all the mixed people I love in front of my face, as if I'll crumble and change my mind just for them. You know what relieved a whole lot of decisional pressure? Being reminded that this planet is so obviously not the only one that matters. I've been to all the other places that matter, too, and I remember what this one used to look like. Just because it became possible to crossbreed, here, never meant that was how it should be, nor how it would stay. God is not that kind of progressive. 

Before my parents abandoned me everywhere in the universe, incest and pedophilia, in most places, was literally only normal. It wasn't thought of, nor participated in, with any semblance of sinful intent, they just didn't really know anything different. And nothing unfortunate seemed to come of it, so why change anything?
It wasn't until my lengthy and unusual existence that we've been able to identify, with some degree of certainty (100%) what is morally right, and what is not, in addition to why. Sure, I've been under serious tangential control this whole time, and everyone knew that could never last. As of the day I was born, it was clearly evident that my parents would not be surviving my existence.๐ŸŒ€๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐ŸŒ€

I just watched some guy
get paid a lotta money to
try killing Rick Harrison on his show.
Do not try that again, y'all.
Don't you know he's ๐Ÿ†Ž? ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿ’ฅ.

'Westly' and Hannah, both, seem to believe, "It doesn't matter what you used to have, because I'm here, NOW. And, obviously, my autonomy is more significant than your last love." That's where this energy comes from:https://youtu.be/DXGelmwqfm4?si=eNgXo_wfuFAFVgKd
The thing is, everyone has seen my awareness undo countless problems, already. So what the fuck makes those two degenerate assholes believe they're big enough and powerful enough to make anything I want "impossible?" It's laughable, honestly.
As soon as that calico cat is gone for good, Nick's REAL mate will "magically" appear back on Mars, or wherever Sadie blew her brains out. ๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿป Bye, Hannah and Sadie.♾️

Nick &Ashby lowkey like: She must be really mad for both of us to have one.๐ŸŒ๐Ÿคฃ๐ŸŒ
How the hell you wanna wage war on
1: the me of war.๐Ÿ‘ฝ. and
2: uh, pureblood DRAGONS?
They are certainly among the most physically powerful entities in the universe.
Most certainly in this setting, if you wanna bring war
upon a pureblooded dragon, you are going to lose.๐Ÿ›ก️
For instance, that dragonJenna+vampireBrian matchup probably equals a dead Brian.
Y'all beginning to understand how this is gonna go?
Dinosaurs will be getting their habitat back, fully restored to its original glory.
If you have a problem with that, you have a problem with God, the CIA, and pureDragons.
They would defend their own home the same way. I've seen it happen.
And since the dinos aren't currently here to defend their homeland, themselves: •๐Ÿช„

(Guys, do I have more than one..like,...am I like Elsa, in addition to the dusting? ๐Ÿคจ)
Sorry about the Ablessing confusion, Bj.
I hadn't realized, yet, why my mixed babies aren't actually a thing.๐Ÿ’Ÿ๐Ÿšฎ๐Ÿ’Ÿ
I refuse to be held responsible for any children (no matter their age) I have ever birthed outside of Pluto.
And even there, if they were conceived in me incestuously, they are obviously invalid.


I think I was reminded, while I was trying to sleep today, how Steve has betrayed me. Y'all know I've spent this entire time believing him a saint, otherwise I wouldn't have been so flamboyantly protective of him. But in the memory I have of him telepathically transmitting Ed Sheeran's 'barefoot in the grass' lyrics into my mind, while he held one of his shoes, one foot literally barefoot in his yard, he was actively treeing his left leg, digging roots from his own body into his backyard. I just "wasn't allowed" to remember that. And then, when I had nowhere else to go, and he wouldn't let me stay with him, and I was falling apart in the hammock in his back yard, he came out and tried to stick his dick in my mouth. ๐Ÿคจ (I obviously wouldn't let him.) Upon further review, I'm certain he did much of the same, transforming his penis into tree parts that forced my mouth open and slithered straight through my body until I was dead. ๐Ÿ˜€ Because God forbid God forbid for real mixing breeds, right? I'm not allowed to make my own decisions, whether I'm God, or not, right, everyone? ๐Ÿ‘ฝ

So this begins the part of the story where I remember all the mudbloods' abuse.
All these people I've been so sure I was created to love and protect. I was mistaken.
I was created to love and protect, yes, but I was created to love and protect divinity.
Mixed breeds are not divine, otherwise we would not have had to destroy an entire set of lifeforms, and their home, in order to create these brand new problems.

We can't even mix colors of the same species, like white and brown vampires. Because white vampires live in a very cold, very dim environment, and brown vampires would freeze their asses off on Pluto. Duh. They exist so much closer to their local sunstar than we do. No, cretins, this knowledge does not make me not want to go back home. I think Gaia is absolutely beautiful, I do. (At least, she used to be. ๐Ÿ˜’) But so is the place where I'm from. Just because I can go anywhere in the universe does not mean I don't want to be at home.

Do I think it would be awesome if we could all somehow visit other planets without dying? Absolutely! That would be so fun! But do I think it should be mandatory that every planet create a space in which other species could come visit their home planet? Absolutely not. Not in this "social economy." Y'all are fuckin psycho, I wouldn't wanna let you in to potentially destroy my trust and home.

Also, my last sentence before I went to sleep does not mean that every pureblood conceived incestuously is invalid. Obviously. Only mine, and all of theirs (incestuous, or not). Meaning, Kyle and Sadie, who are my biological father's son, and Kyle's daughter, will no longer exist; and every child they've created, biologically or scientifically, incestuously or not, mixed or pure, will all die with them. Like I already said, everyone who deserves to die's every child will also die. Like Edwin, sweet, soulless Edwin, and all the degenerates he's "sired." The last time I was at Grifols, I met our son. ๐Ÿ˜‚ The poor lil lad kept looking at his injection site all confused, expecting my feelings about him as Edwin's son to change because he was also mine.
Like, "Look at me, Mom, I'm your son!๐Ÿ˜ƒ"
And I'm all like, "Since when? ๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿšซ"
We were so cute, ask the staff. ๐Ÿ™„

Lie, rape, steal, kill. That's the play. Lie to me long enough for me to trust you, rape me to impregnate me, steal my baby without ever having let me know I was pregnant to begin with, and then kill me back to before I was "your problem." THEN, you have a permanent pawn you can use to force my compassion and care over you.
"You," who lied to me, raped me, stole from me, and then killed me.
Goofy ass bitches.๐Ÿ”ฅ

Anywho, I can't fathom a life in which I could never see all these "rainbow colored people" that I actually love so much, just because I'm a pasty vampire. THAT is the only purpose I can make any sense of, regarding this disaster we've created, here. "Look, Everyone! If we can do it here, we can do it on a teeny tiny slice of your home! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ But only if you want." Because travelling the universe to visit my different families, without my forever family, would suck. ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ™‚๐ŸŒ

Unfortunately for most, if not all, of my offspring, I'm not dumb enough to believe that vampires, dragons, wolves and dinosaurs are the only varieties of life out there. There are all kinds of lifeforms out there, and they come in all shapes and sizes and colors. These are just the species I'm most familiar with. Which means that I'm not about to walk around here thinking that everything is mixed. That is not the case. And, frankly, I don't feel responsible for personally and individually addressing anything and everything that might be mixed. That's not my job. My job is recognizing the truth, and ensuring proper alignment and peace.

It matters not how those who feel entitled to exist outside of divinity try to force themselves on me. And it matters even less how people look, if their whole bloodlines look much the same. It's when we start putting people who look totally different together, like my blackDad and my incubator, that things start getting shady and unsustainable. Same species from the same planet reproducing: Good. Different species from the same planet reproducing: Bad. Same species from different planets reproducing: Bad. Different species from different planets reproducing: Bad. Y'all get it? For all I know, the velvety black complexion indicates wolves from Venus, while a lighter "black" with dark skin spots indicates a squidlike land mammal from some planet I don't know the name of in some wildly distant galaxy. See what I mean? But a white momma holding a clearly half black baby is not a bond I'm required to protect.
Funny enough, my weight dropped significantly between my last plasma donation and this one (almost 10 pounds in 3 days), because the last time I was there, I had a mixed baby in my body, and this time I did not.๐ŸŒ✨๐ŸŒ

"AlL tHiNgS aRe PoSsIbLe ThRoUgH gOd!" Possible, yes. Allowed? ...Hah hah hah.

On a side note, Nick is sick when he shouldn't be, and I'm pretty sure that's Hannah's fault. The bitch is lucky she's too much of a coward to look like anything other than a tiny helpless cat, anymore.๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿป

The "mate" matches, here, are very real. They just are not sustainable, if not between two like individuals from the same homeplanet. The halves that would disregard all the life that used to thrive here, (often including your own mate), in favor of self preservation, will reincarnate back on the other half's homeplanet, in a soulsuit that properly suits the other.
That's how that will go.

Any spacebound efforts made to replicate the unusually accommodating environment, here, with the intent to maintain the genetic mixing of species, will be destroyed. All settlements comprised entirely of reptilians, and/or suicidal Cabal members will be destroyed. If you are anything like I have been for so sickeningly long,
I will destroy you. ⭕๐Ÿ‘ฝ⭕ Are we clear? ๐Ÿ’ก
Watch this video, and pretend the thing getting slammed into the sun
repeatedly is Mercury, because it's riddled with soulless reptilians. Mk?
Cabal members, if your focus has in no way shifted from Trafficking&Lying to hangin in there long enough to comprehend what the fuck I'm doing because these humans and children really do need our help, maybe consider another profession.
Settlements created in this techsphere's likeness with the intent of providing all the extraterrestrials spaces in which they can congregate and get to know one another will obviously be embraced, not destroyed.
I hope nobody is deluded enough to believe they can "get away with" circumventing My Rule.๐Ÿ‘ฝ
"Like a sad version of the Avengers." ~Shawn, S8E8Psych

Perhaps I'll have to exclude Edwin's biological twin from my previous tirade about Hannah... I'll let y'all know how that goes. As if you won't already know, because you're all actively watching it play out, anyway. ✨๐ŸŒ⭕๐Ÿ‘ฝ⭕๐ŸŒ✨
(๐Ÿ‘ผ๐Ÿผ.(๐Ÿ‘ฝ)I'm a whole vibe:
What We Would Do for our mates and families.๐Ÿ’Ÿ
๐Ÿ’ฅ<and helpless strangers.>๐Ÿ’ฅ

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