Sunday, December 1, 2024

Cartel, please accept myApology.πŸ’Œ

To think Edwin could ever be associated with y'all was my mistake.
I needed somewhere to rest myTrust, I appreciate y'all.πŸ›‘️
I'll say a lot more in the afternoon, after I've had some sleep.
But right now, I'm just processing and remembering, so I can try to speak clearly later.
~~~Love, me.
The trees could speak my language. πŸ—―️.🌦️

I'm awake, now.
Mixed breeds cannot exist anywhere but here,
and this planet belongs to the dinosaurs.🌐πŸ₯²πŸŒ
I probably belong on Pluto, with the Clarks.
Meet the difference between "playing" "god", and being God.
I used Singleton and Abby's Mom to create Wes and Edwin 
because they're two of my favorite parents. They're also both purebloods.
Scott didn't quite understand my plan, with the mixing of breeds, seeing as it never worked for me when I was abandoned in other species' habitats. But we made it possible on Gaia, and when Scott was like, "But who-?" I was like, "πŸ“žAbby, bring me your Mom." They're brown vampires. These people, "Mated" to my family members, were simply some of my favorite people from around the universe. (Amber Marie Ireland, for instance, is Jeremy's original mate all the way from Pluto. Mireya is Jeremy's daughter. ☠️)
I never meant to keep them shackled to the hate surrounding me.
Marvin, Steve's Dad, was the first tree here to allow me to fall in love with him. 
Steve's Mom is a vampire from a totally female planet.
Not sure how that works, but it does. This chaos here, however, does not.
Many of the parental figures that have presented themselves around me are the ones who took me in on their own home planets. My primary protectors from around the galactic neighborhood. Steve's Mom, Singleton's family, the Grices. The Clarks.
They all love me, and they do not love what's happening, here. Neither do I.

Long story short, humans had the right idea, when it came to physical intimacy and reproduction. Not doing that inside family units, and yes waiting until after puberty.
They were in no way disfiguring when I found them. But they also didn't have any supernatural gifts, allowing them to defend themselves from my "family." I literally had to abuse the black people into discovering their gift of self defense. The humans had nothing. So they became my galactic baggage.πŸ›‘️πŸ‘»πŸ›‘️.🌐πŸ’₯🌐 A permanent reminder that I do, indeed, have someone to fight for, rather than the everything that my parents wanted me to be fighting with. I hate my parents, everyone.

Venus used to light up with their☄️eyes when I was here alone, and obviously winning.
I am pregnant with Nick's baby, yes, but this baby will
unfortunately never see the light of day.
On the bright side, I certainly do not need a baby to link me to this family of pureblood dragons. That was done long ago, on Mars, without mixing any breeds.⭕
Reptilians were the most aggressive and effective weapon my parents had,
until they abandoned me on Mars with the Singletons.πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ™‰.

I'm sad that we can't keep mixed breeds, because as much as I hate Miley, I adore Tyler.
But neither of them are gonna survive this.πŸ₯²
As far as "mixedpuremates" go, like UncleMike🐲 and Miley'sMomπŸ§›πŸ»‍♀️, whichever Mate would gladly sacrifice the other to satisfy an evil plan (Miley's Mom) will be dying on this planet. Like Sadie versus Ashby? Lol. Fuck off, Sadie, I'm keeping Ashby.πŸ”₯⭕πŸ”₯
Jenny Holt, pureblood white wolf, Singleton is unremovable. You made a mistake.
JessieJ is from the same planet as StephLynn._Marvin and Greg both lose to those two. andMarcyisaPurebloodfrom?.
I think Caleb and Sarah pretended to get married.
The various species exist in different places, yes, but they do so in very different conditions. Hence the color differences. And the unchecked arrogance that seems to overcome mixed breeds is a permanent problem that will not be a problem.πŸ†Ž.πŸ’¨πŸŒ
Tarika is myMomfromsomewhere, but I think Shontel really is Morgan Grice...πŸ€” Hm.
There's a definite complexion difference between Tarika and the Grices, and Shontel is more the Grice shade. Either way, she's definitely my sister from somewhere.
My family has been ruthlessly using the Cabal to try convincing all these Protectors from around the Universe that I would sacrifice them and their families, in their entireties, to spare a mixedbaby they("my parents")forced upon me without my awareness nor consent.
I already turned Nick's baby into dust, today, so now the cretins are slicing me open just because.
You cannot kill me back to before I dust this mixed baby of ours, fam. It's done.
UncleMike, how are you, Grampa, Charlie &Alisha doin?πŸ’ŽπŸŒπŸ’ŽπŸ‘½πŸ’ŽπŸŒπŸ’Ž
I can go anywhere, and anyone can come here.πŸŒ€πŸŒπŸŒ€ But that's a problem for the dinosaurs.
She got AMIvibes.*dragonfly*
To: my blackDad~
Anyone who does not belong on this planet, and also cannot "go home", needs to die.
To be so clear, "mudbloods" will be extinct. Dinosaurs are coming back to Gaia.🌐

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