And stop trying to convince me there's anything irreparably wrong with my biological Dad, mother. "ThEn WhErE iS hE?" Home. Where I told him to go. I don't need him to protect me. The last thing I need right now is my Daddy runnin around nekkid tryna kill everyone who disrespects me. I can handle being God, it was always 'Luci' I need help with.👽
"Let's hear your battle cry," said a Halls cough drop.
"Oh, that's a song," said me.
Which one you wanna hear, Halls?🌐♪🌐I got a few.
Once upon a time, listening to ^that one, I heard it as, "wear my heart low like you," and almost felt it as a personal attack before I stopped that in its tracks with, you know, just the knowledge of being myself, alone. ~L.G
So here's my new version of that chorus:
“i can do it like my mother
do it like a fool
spread my crotch
wear my Heart low, like you.”🚼
🎵do a trick on DaDdY's DiCk, like, tada!🎵<😑>
As I'm waking up this morning, Shontel keeps repeating in my mind that, "I have a thing for Spanish dudes.🔂" No, I have a thing for the entire Spanish culture, and a favorite Spanish dude. Stop being so retarded.🤓 Ah, business is only business, bitch. The rapture is my business. Because I'm God.
Never forget, Lucifer is not only merely God in disguise, but also the only example you will ever receive of how far God is willing to go to fix stupid.
This was always a one time gift to the whole universe.💝 And now that we're all familiar with each other and ourselves, let's move along, shall we?
Be Jealous, mommy dearest.🌐🧠🌐
This currently gelatinous baby will be protected,
with or without you, douche.😇
Omg, don't tell me all those random numbers that blow my TextNow up are about Elon getting murked by lizards.😳 MY BAD, BRO! Eek.🐭.🪤🛡️.🔰
You're right, I'll start viewing them as texts from Claire.💯#️⃣🤑
No, I literally never wanna meet anyone who believes in what I've been over what I've been keeping underwraps.😇. Like, ew. Forever."What's she do when she's dEaD?"
"What's she do when she's aLoNe?"
Miracles, bitch. I do miracles. Mind your business.🥱
In other news, on this day, the day I decided that I, myself, would begin killing all of my own rapists, I sTaRtEd My PeRiOd a week late. Basically, it's a game to everybody else: spread💲my💲legs💲willingly, or lose🩸anything🩸and🩸everything🩸I🩸love. 😂 I'm God, I'll do what I want. All you rapists think you have control over me? 🤧 I'll show you control over me.😈Oh, everyone should know Steve (Stephen Michael Woods, so he says), the guy who currently knocked me up via raping my "alter ego" is the one who decided I should lose my baby. To be more specific, he said, "flush it," to whomever, and my period miraculously came about. With cramping, which I don't usually get.
Dreamt about Edwin being busy working all night. My life is so cool. Steve ordered the baby to be murdered because nobody wanted to pay him to rape me,
knowing I'm killing them for doing so.🩸🔄🩸
I grew up with very strict rules. If I cried, I would die. If I spoke, I would die. If I loved anyone or anything, it would be destroyed. Because I'd been nothing more than a killer, in my mom's eyes, my entire existence.
I was wrong, everyone. I kept saying, "No labor, no soul." But I definitely had a soul when my twin brother kept popping into existence in the same womb as me, his first little heartbeat scaring me to death, and him disintegrating immediately for it. Time and time again.
I tortured many others, specifically so I could someday comprehend what had been done to me. I'll elaborate throughout the day.
We're on Thursday, March 6th, by the way.
Girl, who are you?? 🥹
I'll say it one more time, and then y'all gotta swing by yourselves. The devil is technology, Satan is a construct, and Lucifer is the only demonstration the universe will ever receive on how far God is willing to go to fix stupid. Period. The end. Get over yourselves.
The🏚️Cabal, my👽organization, has been trying to learn how to force individuals' psyches to split themselves like mine did, for a very long time. That's how I've been torturing people. Listen to Hope's testimony on Dan Duval's podcast, and you'll understand, too. It was all me.🌐Friday, March 7
I know, now, how most people feel about books, and that makes me sad. My interest and wonder in them has been taken by my new psych meds. I don't like that. I'm at the library right now. I try to look for something to read, and I feel a distinct disconnect from any of them, which is completely unnatural, for me.
I refused to read anything school told me I had to. My brain always treated mandated books like a plague.🦠Perceiving all these random phone numbers as numerically coded texts from Claire makes them significantly less annoying. Whether that's what they are, or not."Completely devoid of truth, but reinforced throughout a lifetime. So she was told that; 'You're evil, you're dangerous, you're a killer, you need to be controlled.'"
Saturday, March 8th
Thank you, Elon, for Neuralink.🥸 I don't wanna have to see my black eyes all the time. That shit is weird.
Once upon a time, my mother hated me so much that she destroyed me eternally. The End for real.🌐🚼🌐
Thank you, Nick&Hannah.♾️
Tell em, Lerm.🫡
Bye, forever, Mom.💧
☺️😼 We're the only ones who can do that.
Personally Famous, as David Sweeney.🕋
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