Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Turns Out our adorable little kitty is a lIzardD!🌴

That's all I had to say, for now.🤑

i'm literally wearing all the defense that iNeed,😘
at every given time, lizZzards. <{🧠}> What you got?🐢

*warning*mISery will be built for rolLoff.⭕🖕👢

Fun Fact: I met Steve 7 years ago today, on 7.17.17.🕳️⭕🕳️
"Hungrier than a hostage," i believe it was you said, mattheW.💆‍♀️
y'ALL know you can't kill Mine without collapsing oodles of timelines.
might as well aim 🤡 all directly at u$.🫣

LoL. You cannot convince me my people are not mine, anymore.
Show yourselves, lizards.🙃 We all know I'm not afraid of you, you're afraid of me.🤤🥴

,God only knows you never would've chosen this.,


oh no......❤️‍🩹
Souls, lizards. The rest of us have souls. Get wrecked.💥

7.20.24 ~ alright, JimmyDonaldson, whatever. you're not a lizard.🤑{🤮}🤑
Filippo August Fantino.😑 Also not a lizard.
Boris Eduardo Bufano.🪺
Brian Scott Singleton.🫂
Scott Allen Porter.🗺️
Michael Paul Smalley.🚬
Sierra Leon Jones.🍷
My Dad.☠️ Not the lizard one, the black one. Ronald Leon Grice.❣️
I don't live nor work with any lizards, except this cat. And Elon.🔥
Y'all know.🍻
Lori Nicolette Atkinson.🎈


7.21.24 ~ The Epstein list is gonna be irrelevant. Everyone's on it, including some version of me. The legal system won't be prosecuting past crimes. It will absolutely begin acting the way it should've been, and any continued child abuse will be regarded appropriately. Happy birthday, me. Woo.
Buckle up, rapists.
And stop raping.
There's a collapsed timeline (or a few) in which Elon tried to bomb my house sometime after 11pm last night. Got a sound byte that said, "say it like I mean it," and then some feelable thud like a stomp from somewhere in the house. But that's just how I experienced it, here, where I don't die no matter how bad I want to. In some other fractured pieces of reality, Elon tried to nuke half my neighborhood. I don't think they'll like you very much for that, Elon.
Lizard logic: Look what they do to you, nobody likes you. Why would you want to hurt for them? myLogic: Tragic. You're right, that's why I'm numb.
I suppose it's no wonder "starstruck" was never part of my vernacular.🐁♌💧🌽🚦👌
Yo, me, what the hell is the pin to my real secu account?? How fuckin rude, bitch!😤

Squeaky ain't a lizard, Elon just wanted me to say she was. But let's talk about this, cause there are a multitude of ways this could actually be. Allow me to elaborate on one facet of the vast array of methods used to unravel people's minds, from the inside out.
A. What's going on, here: Our poor little kitty is just flat out infested with fleas, kinda like my brain and lizards. But fleas, along with a bunch of other things, are actually a sort of manifestation of lizards. Think of them like ants; a bunch of individuals operating as a unit. Get enough of them in one place, and they totally run the environment. Animals can be influenced by not only various infestations, including fleas, but also microchips. Just like us. Neuralink ain't actually such a hot idea, now, is it, boys?😜
Privacy is such a beautiful thing.🤌
B. "Organic" robots are a thing. Birds are probably the most common, though. They're highly mobile, and can easily broadcast over a large range. Housepets are probably reserved for much "closer" operations lol.
C. Actual lizardry. They can be animals if they wanna. Probably also pretty uncommon, I imagine it would get rather cramped in there.🤣
D. Just simple psychological warfare. Projecting delusions into the mind using technology, and letting the fundamental uncertainties ingrained in all of us spin out of control on their own. Usually the problem resolves itself, when the person loses their shit and offs themselves. This process is actually highly and efficiently automated, thanks to ours truly, Elon Reeve Musk.🦩 If you pay too much attention to us, that's when we step in and pay too much attention to you.}🥵{
Lizards, as a general rule, are pretty hands off with their public affairs. They like to send other cannon fodder to do their dirty work. I'm actually probably pretty damn lucky to have inherited a whole family of them.🥰
They made a big mistake, there.🤠
Also, I'm pretty sure I became fluent in Spanish back at 15. Thank you, Boris.😍
My galactic shotgun only has the two public bullets, so to speak.
Elon, and the entire Chinese race. They're all scams.*repeat!*

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