Saturday, August 24, 2024

fUCK who wants me, Everybody Needs Me.


"Well," she said, "who am I to tell you what you should do?" She seemed chagrined by her own audacity, but it didn't keep her from continuing. "I was thinking that if you capture them when they know what's happening, it's really a portrait of the fear they're feeling, instead of the people themselves. Right?" But she didn't wait for me to answer. "I was just thinking it might be more--haunting, or whatever--if you painted them right before they knew. Wouldn't that make it all the more poignant, somehow? All the more sad? Then, if I'm standing in front of the painting and I know what happens in the next instant, I'm thinking, That could be me. Or any of us."

~ How Will I Know You? (pg86) by Jessica Treadway


8.25.24 ~

"How do we implement a police state they can't deny?"
"Suffocate them financially, pushing them to steal the necessities they once could afford."
"Brilliant, yes... Then we can lock up all the merchandise and throw the military grade technology <coupled with facial recognition ai> at them, and literally imprison the majority of the population."
"Perfect, you son of a bitch, we're All In."

Lemme summarize this for y'all, because humanity is so diligently lazy, it's not even funny: Literally every major corporation has dome shaped cameras with a mind bogglingly sophisticated purpose and operating system. This system is backed by facial recognition software that most of these companies swear they refuse to use against the population. However, as corporate controlled prices skyrocket, and corporate controlled paychecks stay the same, the general population can no longer afford to sustain a normal level of care for themselves and their dependants, so they resort to stealing things they previously bought with no problem. Now everyone's thieves. Great, so it's time to lock up life's most basic supplies, and tighten up on catching the thieves (even though they've been watching and documenting everyone gradually stealing more and more, the whole time). All this programmably perfect technology keeps track of every single object that every single customer touches, whether they put it back down at any point, or not, and what they ring up at the point of sale. It keeps all of this information (complete with high resolution video footage of your every move at every moment in their store) logged, permanently. Once any given customer crosses the threshold from petty theft to a federal offense, all of a sudden they "catch" them, and throw all historic evidence at them in court.

Boom, you're done.

Because corporate entities are criminals.

And that's not even touching all the human and sex trafficking they're orchestrating.
Is it relevant to YOU, yet?
Fuck This Guy, In Particular.⤵️


Enjoy being on the Wrong Side of Lucifer.😘#TrAmLaW#
{Just Assume That We Are The Best, Ever. *~LoganPaul~*}
Costs aren't rising in 'response' to literally anything.
Except corporate greed, and the reptilians' effort to
enslave and/or slaughter everything that isn't them.


8.27.24 ~ Just realized the chick in the video with the squirrel emoji reminds me of April, but I can't remember if April's last name was Flack, or the other one in that blended family. Orville Edward, and Kristina. Nothing but fond memories of y'all, for what that's worth, what with my swiss cheese brain. (Except for Simba, that was one aggressive little orange cat.) And I don't know how or why y'all have almost entirely evaded my mind in the midst of all this psychological (and otherwise) chaos of late, but I'm sure that means something. Presumably, something good. Anyway.
who,me?i'm🫥 <-- this guy reminds me of Michael Aponte. heavily lmao.

8.28.24 ~


Bring it up, or not? they seemed to be thinking. Susanne found she had no use for the ones who decided against mentioning it. For the rest of her life, she would know because she had learned in the hardest way possible that nobody wants other people to ignore it when the worst has happened. (pg135)


Did y'all know the WalmartCEO claims to be a born again Christian?? 🤣 His lil Arkansas dwelling self. Too cute. And do y'all know how bougie Walmart acts in their hiring process? Like, you're literally the worst of the worst corporate entities, you stand on the most children's heads, and you think you're important enough to be all, "You're not worth the pennies, peasant."?
At least your two sons are well taken care of and provided for, Rite?
If you're sucha "Christian," maybe "God placed you there" so She could tell you when to Drop The Torch in the nice big splishsplashy puddle of gasoline She poured all in there and Run the fuck Away from the Tightly Contained Corporate Dumpster Fire. 🤷🏻‍♀️Who KKKnows?🏰

~~~ oh damn, y'all, they are about that Life. shit's about to blow, for Real. 😬 ~~~

I reckon they're 'Industry Plants,' just like the Franklins and Zabowskis.🪴 Lovely.❤️‍🔥
<Someone had to be around Here to make religion taste a little less like actual feces.>


Did y'all know: when you click *share* on any YouTube video, the first half of the link is unique to the video, but the second half is unique to your click. Slam full of info, the second half. IPaddress, time, geographical coordinates (plus a buncha shit I would never consider), and all the same for every time anyone clicks your unique *share* link. <[{(Utterly Regardless of whether you have a VeryPrivateNetwork, or Not.)}]> Technology is incredible.


Once upon a time, i was a kleptomaniac, and Walmart
was the only store who Said, "*psst* We Saw That.👨🏻‍💻"
Funniest Of $tories, this is the year that happened🤯:
Turns out the reason I'm so "unemployable"
is really because I Study Human Trafficking.{an'invisible,art>
And I'm a little too good at it. Like, scary good.
Like maybe I Was Born.ish With It.💅🏻
Maybe I'll just accept the fact that Corporate Does Not Want Me around their dirty laundry, and be glad that I'll be eligible to sell my bloody fluids at only one of the two plasma purchase centers we have here in Greenville, as of the 26th of next month. I would've been doing that this whole year, but I accidentally told them the truth about my PCDCvacay back when I was at the shelter (I didn't know y'all can lie about that??) and they documented it in my file, so I had to wait the whole required year before going back. The other plasma purchase center, on 10th Street, is Evidently a Big Ole Problem, because when I tried to go there earlier this year, I got into a verbal squabble with the wildly disrespectful black bitch working there. Next time I went back, they told me I was permanently banned, because of not only that incident, but they had documented an occasion on which I "threw my lanyard" at one of their employees and stormed out back in 2018...🧐🙄 They're Obviously Pieces Of Shit at the 10th Street Plasma Purchase Center.

I don't just pop off for no reason, ya cunts.

I've never liked the energy at Piggly Wiggly, and why does the Class think that is?
My guess is a whoooooole hell of a lot of abusive rape happens at that business.
All of the locations, certainly. Trafficking is a very cliquey, "clubby" type of hobby.

So, Humanity. Should I be subjecting myself to even more bouts of being unbelievably abused by these local businesses that so gleefully rake me through the Rape&Torment Coals, specifically in direct retaliation to My shining a Light on all the children they regard as flesh[L]ights? Or should I throw in the towel on dancing their little dance for them?🤔
I'm thinking they can all Bend Over and Get Fucked.🌽*cough*Sharon*cough*
From now on, I genuinely do not care who lives or dies.
The reason is simple: I Know Enough Who Live. {Sadie?}
Like Elon and his Mom. I really don't Need anyone else.
"With Grades Like This, I'm Gonna Have To Hit The Corner, Sir."🤓~a commercial


Did y'all know Australia is Awesome??


Alright, black folk, Let's Talk About Racism.😀
I'll start by agreeing with you, y'all have been systematically repressed for a long time. (But so have a lot of not black people, so you don't have a Monopoly on Suffering.😒) You guys have developed this odd sense of superiority for your willingness to be volatile and violent in order to get your way, and that is unbelievably stupid of you. You are not better than me for being black, and you never will be. You can be jealous all you want, and think (erroneously) that white genetics are inherently more attractive than your genetics. But Black really is Beautiful, when you're not behaving like actual monkeys. Start taking responsibility for your shitty behavior, and stop acting like stomping your way through your pain is some kind of point of pride.
Unless, of course, it's This kind of Stomp:

Plastic surgery and abortions, both, should be medically necessary industries. Exclusively.

Turns out Hannah was never the source of my deepest pain.
It was always Sadie.
If I get to pick between the two, I choose Sadie the whole time.

Don't make me define "necessary" for you hoes. The refusal to keep your legs closed in the presence of any sexually charged entity, whatsoever, does not make your pregnancy an emergency. Shut Up.#
"But the raaaape!😫" Yeah... Stop raping, you worthless sacks of shit. The ones bitching about the endless rape are the rapists.

Nice To Meet You, Donnie.🫡 Enjoy having Actual Managerial Control over your Piggly Wiggly location.😘 And that New&ImprovedSecurity system.🎥nice!
Corporate already knows they can't fire the ones iBless.☺️
Elon, in all his innate brilliance, takes care of The Rest.

The white employees at my old Family Dollar will not be participating in the future. Jackie, obviously, is not an employee of that location, she's bigger than that. And, Myrical, I can only imagine you'll be the one black coworker going with Matt&Sharon.
Congratulations, "wOrkInGwOmAn😝".<btw,u have 0ass. ur not Sexy, ur Trashy.>

"Perhaps being around Actual Christians, rather than satanists masquerading as christians, is Exactly What I Need." ~me to the Jackie I live with

Craig already knows how Loyal I am to Toyota as a car manufacturer lqtm.

The black bitch that just fired my whiteBitch Friend from Waffle House for not working "fast enough," at a whopping $2.13/hour pay, hired as a waitress for a restaurant who closes and locks their doors an hour and a half after she would clock in for y'all with no competent training whatsoever...your life is about to get way more difficult than I'm sure it already is.👋🏻
Maybe next time you'll Think before threatening and
disrespecting Someone you perceive to be beneath you.😁

8.29.24 ~
(GreenBay doesn't count, that wasn't a HomeTeam fave, it was a QBfave.
Aaron Rodgers, as far as I know, doesn't have his own logo.)
People whose favorite team(s) morph(s) with time don't make any sense to me.
You're Not A Fan, you're a freeloader.🤡

8.30.24 ~ fun Fact: Sharon and Matt both told me, on separate occasions and unprovoked, that they saw my blackDad at our store for (10-[15)-20] minutes, and they had both approached him to ask if they could help him find anything, and declined to advise him when I would be working in the future so he could see me. Their stories were unusually similar, and their intentions peculiar, to me. They're the only coworkers I had, there, who made an active and sustained effort to psych me out, maliciously. Myrical was just a little too proud to be an incestuous pedophile whore. She got off on abusing me and lowkey rubbing it in my face.
Tarika is the only one who made a consistent, though sometimes covert, effort to be gentle and kind with me, at all times. She actually cares that I'm autistic. Jannessa is just as thoroughly solid as Tarika, straight to the soul, but she was understandably quite unsure about me, and probably still is. That's okay, I still Love her, and I always will.
Also, Sharon tried and failed to use some kind of blood sacrifice against me on the night someone broke the front door and I went up there to sit with her for 6 hours so she wouldn't be alone. Aren't I so nice? <That's probably definitely what Sealed her Fate.😗>
Matt "talks to" (read:touches) his kids (inappropriately) everyday.*SLAP*#
<and he stole my flip phone.>

What is it about all the companies that sell food that refuse to hire me? Even "Christian" companies; I'm lookin at you, Parker'sBBQ.👁️ The hotels were pretty keen on trafficking me, too. Wild. Do all food selling establishments participate in sex&human/child trafficking?? Grocery and restaurant??
Y'all... Seriously, Get Your Shit Together. Like, Yesterday.🔥




McMillon,FeelFree to turn the heat up on one John Wayne Williams,
he works at your Williamston, NC location. Please&Thanks.😃lolol.❤️‍🔥
He's made way too much money Trafficking me, with not enough Care.
Reformable, but definitely not A1. We'll call him A2, cuz he's only afraida Lucifer.🫠
A significant difference between A1s and 2s? I don't expect Apologies from MyA1s.🙏

Claire Boucher really does exist, doesn't she?
She just let Hannah use her as a pawn. Thank you.
And I can't wait to meet you. And Ashnikko. You both are 🤯.🤌

Jway, what kind of man is terrified of pissing Lucifer off, but shameless about breaking God's heart? You're a two faced coward. Not a man at all, by any metric. You're a pitiful little boy, masquerading as a man.

8.31.24 ~ This is why It Ends With Us, Philip. Most simply: Because It fuckin Can.
Just because our parents and (most of) their parents were actual trash doesn't mean we have to be, too. Right, UncleMike, UncleKevin, UncleJohn, and Grampa?💙
Y'all and your sons {+Sadie} are all that's left of us out there. I like it like that.💟 Is everyone better, yet?
<HannahDanielle, I don't know what you thought, but you are not coming with me.>
Adoption ain't an option, either, it's definitely the wood chipper for you, daughter.
"*blubbering* bUt HoW cAn YoU sAy ThAt, tHaT's YoUr cHiLd?!" Easy. My child is 14 years old, she's not a toddler. She knows exactly what she's doing, she's been knowing what she's doing for most of her life. She just very much enjoys tormenting others, most significantly, Sadie&I. She knows she's a cunt, and she's proud of it. I won't have that trash anywhere near my daughterniece and I, Going Forward.
Oh, and the lone Alisha, my bad, cuzzo. Sorry bout your rental units. (But of course not really.) They musta been doing some hella raunchy shit that one night it was "too hot for me to sleep," and the vampire inside me decided it was time for them to move along.
Obviously, thanks to their mom and betterdad, Micah and Landon had the privilege of staying the fuck away from our family from a young enough age to be saved. But my family was mostly decorative trash, guys. No Doubt. Families like mine kill their own babies for fun. We cannot and will not have that nonsense infesting this beautiful planet.

Once upon a time, Bubbie, Ron told me that you asked him if he would mind you calling him Dad, and, truly, it meant so much to him. I don't think you've met Karisa, yet, but 💬. Even the second Angie is a better mom to us than our own. Our parents are not only a couple decades past dead, but they never deserved us.
Grieving is healthy, you should probably let it in.
I'm sure I'm just as much talking to myself, as I am to you.
Abby, whose side are you on? It has to be ours, doesn't it? You helped Philip stay away from us, and that could only ever be considered a blessing. Especially after he had children of his own.
I just woke up from a couple more hours of sleep, in which I had a dream centered around what life was actually like with our family. Uh, yeah, I was killing people. There were two left in the house, besides Philip and I, by the end. I had the second to last one at my mercy, and I was gonna leave her be, but I was like, "Should I kill it?" And he was like, "Could yo-u?"*done*. For some reason we left Ashley alive to suffer there, as she couldn't follow us out. I actually taunted her on our way lol. Because why not? But you know how you can't run away from a threat very well in the dreamscape? It wasn't quite that bad in this one. Our departure felt a little bit slower than it should've been, but that was because he was checking ahead of us for any other threats while we were running.

Abby, I'm sorry for disliking you, and standing against you all these years. I Was Brainwashed, and you were genuinely trying to help my brother get away from our horrifying family. Thank You For Saving Him. Danika is sincerely eternally grateful, as well. {RealLife}


I Told You I Could Never Forget You, Danika.❤️‍🔥 Thank You For Trusting Me.


How do I KNOW about Danika? My "parents" got a kick out of taking fragments of my Godself experiences/expressions, twisting them around, and telling me about them as if they were their own experiences and expressions. It helped serve to push me as far away from the Truth as reptilians could ever hope to make me. When I lived with Jeremy and Ashley in Ayden, my "dad" told me he was watching Philip and Danika on the stage at Church at Winder singing/playing a song together, and "he just knew," and he started boohooing.
That never happened.
I saw those two making music together, and I knew, and I dissolved into tears.
And, of course, Danika knew the first time they came in contact with one another, so there's obviously the timeline in which she leveled everyone but us. She's🤯Amazing.

<🦷]{{{Ashby, I'm holding
my tongue about those three,
Exclusively for the sake and sanity
of your brother. Know That.}🔥}🔥}🔥[❤️‍🔥>

The Clarks had another baby, long after we moved away, named Sadie.🩷
Dual Divine Message, in that one.
"We Have Another Daughter," and "So Do You."😭
Caleb did a cover of this song. He covered a lot for me🖤:
You know, those two timelines were most likely one and the same. Danika saw me watching them, with tears streaming freely down my face, her eyes got real big and she reached out and touched him. Then it was Game Over.
Even "young" Vampires are exceptionally dangerous. So beautifully, though. feels like myBubbie⁶
Ha!♾️🎵holding each other like ransom notes🎵💟
The Caspers. Michael and Molly's "adoptive parents" weren't really adoptive parents, at all. They were the human couple who volunteered to host a couplea kidVampires so they could get close to me. Thank you, Donald&PamCasper.✨blessingindisguise
I reckon I started heavily cheating on Michael after moving up here.
And I suppose I killed Marilyn Elizabeth Steffan the last time I saw her. I was shot at as I drove away. What I remember: one of her neighbor nigglets threw a rock at my driver's side tail light. It was probably her older son holding the gun. Sorry, Kid. Your mom was trash. Better Luck With Your Dad.💓(I know your name, Darius. I just can't remember if that's the dad or the son's name.)
Ah, his dad's name is...eluding me, still. Damn. It's right there.
Anyway, thanks for Taking Care of him. He needed you Full Time.
I can see both of your faces in my mind, Boys. Strong genes. I obviously harbor some pretty deep and serious guilt for traumatizing you like that, D, seeing as I've kept her so close in my mind all these years. I hope you can see, now, why I did what I did. She Did Not Love You like a mother should. You and your brother were just tools, to her. Tools to be used, and neglected, at her leisure. I couldn't let her get away with that.
Kenny?? Is your name Kenny?🤔
It is.🙂Hello"Again.

Well. That's Much Better.🧁

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