Saturday, June 23, 2018

Being Human

I started this post in November.

That's right, seven+ months ago. I didn't continue it at the time, because I had a lot of soul searching to do. I needed to know if I was diving into a pipe dream, or if I was the only one who saw really real reality.

The thing is, I was seeing perfection everywhere I looked. The man I love, the time we shared, the people we saw and spent time with. Everything was perfect. Except when it wasn't. There was a flip side to everything that made me question my sanity, my feelings, the people around me... And I didn't know what to do.

Now I know I'm not crazy. I certainly seem crazy to some. But I'm not. So here goes:

Being Human

We all do it. We've had to, we've not known any other way. But being human kinda sucks. Being human is why we're riddled with uncertainties and insecurities. We allow our minds to reign over our hearts and souls, and exist in a state of confusion and tortured imbalance. Consistent onslaughts of negativity harass our thoughts and persons. We don't really know what we want, orwhyorwhenorhow, or with who. Ultimately we're plagued by constant internal existential disarray.

There's an end to this game. Being human isn't all we can be. Being human isn't all we're supposed to be. How many of us can honestly say we feel like we're living up to our full potential, feeling fulfilled and truly content in our lives? I'd venture to say anyone who reads this is in the same boat I've been in. Wondering what's missing in ourselves, and why we can't accomplish all we feel we're destined to, why we feel blocked by a wall in our path that we can't find a way around. Like the answer is RIGHT THERE, but we can't quite see or reach it.


That's where I left off seven months ago. I've come a long way since then. I now know how to trust myself, how to believe in my intuition, how to gauge resonation, how to KNOW that which seems impossible to truly know. Most would call what I do assuming. The difference is... my "assumptions" are accurate.

To quote Hopsin in the song, Ill Mind of Hopsin 5:

"My existence on this planet's for you, I ain't only here to benefit me." 💙

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