Thursday, July 5, 2018

Why lie?

A rather unfortunate part of the human experience: lying. Growing up, I lied a LOT. My mom would tell me, "Nobody will ever be able to trust you if you lie." And I certainly didn't want that! But I kept lying, anyway.


Well, stripping away all the myriad of potential specifics, it boils down to only two things: manipulation and/or self preservation. We lie to get what we want, or to not get what we don't want. 

At this point, I claim unapologetic honesty. But really, that's limited to regarding myself. I'll still lie to protect others when it feels right, which falls under manipulation. I have a rather ambiguous moral compass. I don't let anyone or anything else tell me what's right or wrong, I listen solely to my heart, and that oh-so-important resonation I've mentioned before. Put me face to face with anyone, and eliminate topics pertaining to someone else's safety, privacy, or choices, you'll get the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

The people closest to me know that I'm honest to a brutal degree. I don't mince my words, don't beat around the bush, and I certainly don't verbalize bullshit to get my way. Matter of fact, I've stood in my truths to my own detriment many a time.

But still, they lie to me. And it hurts. I see straight through it, but they still do it. Then, in their bruised ego's wake, they project their shortcomings onto me, to avoid acknowledging it in themselves.

Ah, projections. We'll get to that.

Hurt people hurt people, I understand that. But all I want to do is help people. Help people heal, so they can become the best versions of themselves they can be. How do I convey that undeniably?

I guess just by persevering, and being me. Unapologetically.